Feb 17, 2011

OpenShot:best open source video editor

OpenShot is the best open source video editor.OpenShort supports many video,audio,and image formats. The new version 1.3.0 has been released and comes with a lot of improvements. Adding files to your OpenShot video editor is easy. Just drag and drop audio, video, or image files into your project from your Gnome desktop.The new version has improved stability, performance and usability. You can add multiple video clips to the timeline in one step. Also it has got new exciting 3D animations. You can rotate the video and upload to youtube and Vimeo. OpenShot is available in the Live DVD format. Using this you can burn the iso image of Openshot  to a DVD and boot the computer to evaluate the OpenShot without disturbing your installed system.You can also download it as a package form the project's website or use the package manager of you Linux distribution.One of the most difficult tasks in creating a video or film is keeping track of and organizing all of your media files, such as videos, sound effects, sound track, titles, credits, and scenes. The OpenShot Filter Bar, which helps you find what you need faster than ever before! Want to only view your audio files? No problem. What to only view your videos that have a label of "Scene 1"? No problem. What to find a specific transition or effect? No problem. Either click one of the easy toggle buttons, or enter the first few letters of what you are searching for.

OpenShot's Features include:

  • Support for many video, audio, and image formats (based on FFmpeg )
  • Gnome integration (drag and drop support)
  • Multiple tracks
  • Clip resizing, trimming, snapping, and cutting
  • Video transitions with real-time previews
  • Compositing, image overlays, watermarks
  • 3D Animated Titles
  • Title templates, title creation, sub-titles
  • SVG friendly, to create and include titles and credits
  • Scrolling motion picture credits
  • Solid color clips (including alpha compositing )
  • Support for Rotoscoping / Image sequences
  • Drag and drop timeline
  • Frame stepping, key-mappings: J,K, and L keys
  • Video encoding (based on FFmpeg )
  • Key Frame animation
  • Digital zooming of video clips
  • Speed changes on clips (slow motion etc)
  • Custom transition lumas and masks
  • Re-sizing of clips (frame size)
  • Audio mixing and editing
  • Presets for key frame animations and layout
  • Ken Burns effect (making video by panning over an image)
  • Digital video effects , including brightness, gamma, hue, greyscale, chroma key (bluescreen / greenscreen) , and over 20 other video effects
  • OpenShot provides extensive editing and compositing features, and has been designed as a practical tool for working with high-definition video including HDV and AVCHD .

To downlaod OpenShot visit  http://www.openshotvideo.com/

Feb 12, 2011

UnPlug:firefox extension to save audio and video embedded on webpage.

UnPlug is a simple, easy to use Firefox extension which lets you save video and audio which is embedded on a web page - it's a video download tool.When you are on a webpage UnPlug scans the web page and tells you where media players are getting their data from, and allows you to easily save the media file.

UnPlug works for lots of sites including youtube.com, video.google.com, metacafe.com, vimeo.com, veoh.com and lots, lots more.The list of website supported by UnPlug is available at http://unplug.dbatley.com/websites.php

suppose you are watching a youtube video and would like to download the video.Click on the UnPlug toolbar icon present on the top-right corner of the Firefox window.This will bring up a new window with options to download the video in low,normal and high quality. This is shown in the  fig.

To download the UnPlug for Firefox visit https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/unplug/