Leafpad is the most simplest and minimal text editor. It has been designed keeping simplicity in mind. It is based on GTK+. Leafpad is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). If you are are trying to develop a text editor, consider to take look at the source code of the leafpad. The source code of leafpad can be a starting point for a much complex text editor.
Currently Leafpad has the following features:
For more on Leafpad visit http://tarot.freeshell.org/leafpad/
screen shot of Leafpad |
Currently Leafpad has the following features:
- Codeset option (Some OpenI18N registered)
- Auto codeset detection (UTF-8 and some codesets)
- Unlimitted Undo/Redo
- Auto/Multi-line Indent
- Display line numbers
- Drag and Drop
- Printing
For more on Leafpad visit http://tarot.freeshell.org/leafpad/